* SWIPE LEFT to hear @laurenhashianofficial & @naztokio’s mana fueled motivating lyrics the world is talking about
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It was our @zoaenergy’s huge commercial during THE SUMMER GAMES and I needed a motivating anthem that was inspirational, had depth, gravitas and could emotionally connect with EVERY KIND OF PERSON.
I made one phone call to the powerful writing team of @laurenhashianofficial & @naztokio.
They wrote it, Lauren sang it and the rest is history.
So cool to see you all around the ???? respond to their motivating lyrics/
Find your glory
Write your story
Fearless feet will carry you
Time you own it
Take your moment
Be a fire burning through
Hustlin’ from night until mornin’
Grindin’ it out it won’t be long
Feel your power
It’s your hour
You inspire
You are strong
THANK YOU AGAIN to all of you around the world for your amazing, positive responses ????????
Way to kick ass ladies!!! ????????????????????
Click here to view the original source.