Repost from @gatherfilm • Today’s the day – the start of #NativeAmericanHeritage…


Repost from @gatherfilm

Today’s the day – the start of #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth in the US and the launch of @gatherfilm on @Netflix.

There’s a ton of work we need to do this month, to highlight all the battles beings waged (and won) all over Indian Country. But at the same time, this is always a month to raise basic awareness and education – and Gather is a prime tool for that.

Please tag friends, family, organizations and politicians – as we highlight the work of those in the film and those working with their communities.

Give our cast a follow if you haven’t already: @apachefarmer @twila_cassadore_ @nephi_craig @cafe_gozhoo @elsiedubray @sammygensaw @ancestral_guard @fndi303 @heron_hill @rayezaragoza @apachepeoplesfarm @jonlukegensaw

@prideofgypsies @brianandrewmendoza @renan_ozturk @tanya_meillier @mrsanjayr @michael_a_levine @daharbfilm @jenbuffett @peterbuffett @sterlinharjo @kaayjaaybeee @frau_mit_katze @shaandiin @taylorfreesolo Alex Meillier @monumentreleasing @chzamag @calebheller
#sowindigenous #indiancountry

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