Jenelle Evans Flips Out Following ANOTHER Failed Business Venture: The Haters Are Ruining My Life!


Generally speaking, it’s not good to take pleasure in the failures of others.

But when the person in question is a genuinely awful human being and the failure is laughably minor … well, we think it’s okay to briefly set your morals aside and enjoy a little schadenfreude.

So join us as we indulge in an only mildly guilty laugh at the expense of famed bigot and animal abuser Jenelle Evans.

As you’re probably aware, Jenelle got fired from Teen Mom 2 way back in 2019, and her financial situation has been deteriorating ever since.

Most people would get a job in that situation, but both Jenelle and her useless husband David Eason believe they’re too good for conventional employment.

And so, they keep trying their hand…

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