Jenelle Evans & David Eason: We’re So Broke That We’re BOTH Starting Podcasts!


We’ve known for years that Jenelle Evans and David Eason are broke, but in recent weeks, we’ve come to realize that the situation is even more dire than we thought.

As we previously reported, Eason was arrested last week for driving with an open container and a suspended license.

He was released on bail that same evening …

… But only after the Easons borrowed $750 from a bail bondsman.

Now, there are several reasons why the couple might have chosen to go that route, but the most likely is that they simply didn’t have access to 750 bucks.

And David’s arrest came on the heels of news that Jenelle’s clothing brand had gone bust after the company that was planning to manufacture her merch found out about her…

Click here to view the original article.


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