Gray Wolves across western U.S. states are under threat. Yesterday, Idaho began an eradication campaign using bounties, traps, snares, night raids and hunting hounds to kill up to 90% of Gray Wolves living in the state. Its goal is to drop the number of wolves living in Idaho from 1,500 to 150. Neighboring states of Montana and Wyoming have instituted similar policies, which originally caused the species to nearly go extinct in the 1930s.
I support the more than 400 scientists that have asked, in an open letter to @potus and @secdebhaaland to provide emergency protections for Gray Wolves in the Northern Rockies and relist them under the Endangered Species Act.
Wolves are essential to keeping the Northern Rockies and incredibly diverse ecosystems, like Yellowstone National Park, wild. These shy and secretive predators are a keystone species, keeping the ecosystems they live in healthy and balanced.
#relistwolves #extinctionendshere
Photo by @roshcpatel
Art by @earthheiress and @rockymtnwolf
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