On my final day at #COP26 I was honored to meet with the amazing Juma Xipaia, a …


On my final day at #COP26 I was honored to meet with the amazing Juma Xipaia, a young indigenous leader, who since childhood, has fought against the construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam in the Xingu river of the Amazon. Her continued fight for the survival of indigenous peoples, the rainforest, the empowerment of women, her dreams and hopes born from her struggles and threats, deeply touched my heart. Juma’s words will stay with me forever.

Indigenous peoples are on the very frontlines of this climate emergency.  We must hear their voices and join their fight to protect the planet as they are the true guardians of nature. It is time to listen and stand together as one people.


#DemarcaçãoJá #MarcoTemporalNão #XinguVivoParaSempre #COP26 #COPindígena
#CriseClimática #ClimateCrisis #EssaLutaTambémÉNossa #IndigenousPeoples #AmazonRainforest

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