#Repost: darksideofthelibrary The Noise, by @jamespattersonbooks and @jdbarker_author .. I am less than halfway through this dark thriller book (page 183 of 420) and so very intrigued to read more of it. I have cleared my evening, asked my boyfriend to make dinner (it’s #tacomonday , we have agreed) and turned my phone on silent. Cuddly blanket procured, wine poured, and dogs settled at my feet.
I wasn’t sure at all I would enjoy this book and I am delighted to announce I was so, so wrong! It’s gorier and grosser than I expected (that’s a good thing, here on the #darksideofthelibrary ) I care about the teenage main character and her freaky, possibly demonic little sister, and I am worried about the civilian scientists racing to figure out what the f is going on. When will The Noise strike again? Yikes!!
It’s going to be a wonderful evening spent with the remainder of this book. -Carrie #darkbookstagrams #darkreads #bookstagram #darkbooks #thrillerbooks #thenoisebook #autumniscoming
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