From @unclimatechange:
The difference between 1.5C, 2C or 3-4C average global warming can sound marginal. In fact, they represent vastly different scenarios for the future of humanity.
The frequency of disasters, the survival of plants and animals, the spread of diseases, the stability of our global climate system and – ultimately – the possibility for humanity to survive on this planet hinge on these few degrees.
Today, we still have the chance to meet the 1.5C goal mentioned in the Paris Agreement. We can still protect ourselves from the worst climate impacts and begin to shape a healthier future. But we are rapidly approaching irreversible climate tipping points.
This is why the climate conference #COP26 in November is so important for the global fight against climate change. Countries must conclude outstanding items regarding the implementation of the Paris Agreement and lay the ground for a transformational decade of climate action in the 2020’s. #ItsPossible
CC: @carbonbrief
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